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Add another dog to your current SportDOG Brand Contain + Train system (SDF-CTR) or replace a Collar Receiver with the SDF-CTR Add-A-Dog Collar Receiver. The Training Mode expands to 3 dogs and the Containment Mode expands to any number of dogs.
How It Works
The Collar Receiver for the Contain + Train system works by receiving radio signal from both the Fence Transmitter and the Remote Transmitter. With 3 modes of operation, you decide which signals the Collar Receiver responds to.
In Containment Mode, the Collar Receiver only picks up radio signal that has been sent through the Boundary Wire from the Fence Transmitter. While wearing the Collar Receiver, when your dog approaches the Boundary Wire and steps into the Warning Zone, a warning beep will be delivered. If your dog continues towards the Boundary Wire and into the Stimulation Zone, a safe, static stimulation will be delivered through the Contact Points to get his attention until he returns to the Boundary Area. In Containment mode, the Collar Receiver will not respond to the operation of the Remote Transmitter.
In Training Mode, the Collar Receiver only listens to the radio signal sent from the Remote Transmitter, allowing you to train your dog inside or outside of the Boundary Area. In this mode, the Collar Receiver will not react when entering the Warning Zone or Stimulation Zone of the Boundary Area.
In Containment and Training Mode, the Collar Receiver will respond to both the radio signal sent from the Fence Transmitter through the Boundary Wire and the radio signal sent from the Remote Transmitter. This allows you to simultaneously train your dog while he is being contained.